
About Me.

My name is Megan, and I am a 19-year-old photography student at Seneca College in Toronto. My program is called Independent Digital Photography. It is a two year program, and I will be finishing up my first semester in a few weeks time. I am enjoying the program so far, and have learned a lot. When I have completed this program, I am hoping to get into photojournalism. I love writing, and wish to have a career where I can combine both writing and photography.

Throughout my life, I have always been a creative person. Whether it be dance, music, drawing, writing, or photography, I have always tried to get myself involved in activities where I can express and further develop my creativity. I love learning and experiencing new things.

My interest in photography began in high school. I was given an assignment where I had to create a children's story book. I needed to come up with a story as well as provide images, which could either be drawings or photographs. I decided that I would use photographs since I am not the best at drawing. Through doing that assignment, I ended up realizing that I really loved photography and that it was a lot of fun. From then on, photography became a passionate hobby of mine, and I was constantly taking pictures wherever I went.

My favourite things to photograph are nature, animals, and children. I really enjoy visiting my uncle's farm in Omemee (near Lindsay, Ontario), to take photos. I find that whenever I am there, I always feel very inspired. There's always a large variety of things to photograph, from farm animals, to the old barns, to my little cousins. Everything I love to photograph is right there in front of me. In the future, I would like to do some traveling to take photos.

In the beginning, I was influenced by one of my dad's friends, who is a photographer. My dad showed me his website, and I remember just sitting at my computer for hours looking at his photos and thinking about how amazing they were. They definitely inspired me to want to become a photographer. (Here is his website: http://www.bokeh.com/) More recently, I have found a lot of inspiration in the work of Diane Arbus. I like that she photographed societies outcasts, something that most would shy away from. I also enjoy the work of Sally Mann, which even though has caused much controversy, is still in my opinion very beautiful.

In my blog, I will talk about some other photographers whose work I enjoy and find myself being influenced by.

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